Drafting of charters and statutes

The drafting of charters and statutes is the first step in creating a legal entity. Obtaining reliable legal services is a prerequisite for the preparation of these constituent documents properly and in accordance with legislative amendments.

The drafting of charters and statutes, which is the first step towards the establishment of businesses is an important matter. The charters and statutes, which are the constituent documents, should include general provisions, the activities of the enterprise, the charter capital of the enterprise, the rules of management, the liquidation of the enterprise, and other provisions.

What is the Charter?

The charter is a legal document regulating the activities and organization of a particular body, organization or organization in a particular area. The charters of the state organizations are approved by the supreme state bodies, the charters of the organizations are established by their founders.

According to the current legislation, registration of charters in the Republic of Azerbaijan is carried out through the "One-Stop-Shop" system of the Ministry of Taxes.

What is the authorized capital?

Authorized capital, whether in the form of cash or non-cash, gives an idea of the financial position of organizations. Change of the authorized capital is carried out by the legislation. The authorized capital is the first step in activities for future profit.

The rules and conditions of the authorized capital vary depending on the purpose of the organization and its organizational and legal form. The rules of formation of the authorized capital of organizations having commercial or non-commercial forms are regulated by the normative legal acts of the Azerbaijan Republic.

What is the statute?

A statute is a legal act that defines the rules for establishing organizations and businesses, the structure of their rights and responsibilities, and the organization of their work. The statute is drawn up when a new business or organization is created. A statute consists of 4 sections;

  • The general section includes the name of the production, the type of management system, the composition, structure and rules of approval of staff units.
  • The second section encompasses the tasks and functions that focus on the internal operational unit and the introduction of new techniques for the implementation of the task.
  • The third section contains the laws, that is, instructions on legal procedures and results.
  • The fourth section deals with the organization of production management. Here is the name of the head of the production department, their hiring and dismissal, and the structural form of the unit, according to the staff schedule approved by the head of the department.

Legal services related to the development of statutes and regulations

Legal Store's qualified lawyers offer you the perfect legal services in this area. Thus, you can rely on the development of statutes and regulations, which are the first step towards the creation of legal entities and describe the organization of their activities.

Apply here to receive the service online.

Legal entity